The President’s Perspective

Monique R. King
Greetings FBAAC,
Welcome to our first edition of The FORTitude. Each quarter, FBAAC will send out a newsletter
which celebrates our programs, achievements, milestones, and updates for the 2020/2021
Sorority year. 2020, was a year full of challenges, change, and at times uncertainty, but
COVID19 did not prevent those Fortbraggdeltas from persevering as we continued to provide
quality programs to the communities we serve.
Coming from humble beginnings 24 years ago, and with the foresight of our 27 chartered
members, our Chapter has shown exponential grown in the past year alone, as our membership
has increased to an astounding 129 members.
We have continued to soar against all odds in our new Virtual world, as we kicked off the New Year galvanizing the vote and we tackled. In October, we welcomed our newly inducted and highly motivated Sorors, the twenty two Foundations of FORTitude (F.O.F) the 5th line to cross FBAAC since 2011.
In November we honored our Sorors who are currently serving and have previously served in the Armed Forces on Veteran’s Day. We also enjoyed a much-anticipated holiday movie, Jingle Jangled, which featured an all-black ensemble. We continued to celebrate throughout November, as we paid homage to the 27 Sorors who chartered our beloved Chapter. Closing
out the month, we shifted our focus to our Physical and Mental Health (PMHT) as the committee brought to our attention the need to eat and live a healthier lifestyle by conducting a virtual Diabetes awareness forum and a virtual timed 5k Alzheimer’s walk/run event.
As we proceed to the month of December, we will close out the year with our first Fur baby contest, Wreath laying event and the our 2nd Biannual CoBeau experience. FBAAC has continued to answer the call and without a doubt has remained DELTA READY. Stay tune for our next Edition of The FORTitude, April 1, 2021. As Always In Delta Love,
Monique R. King